when I was a kid, Optimus Prime seemed to me like everything a leader should be: intelligent, compassionate, and, of course, capable of turning into...
There is no greater way to honor
your most revered inspiration than with a bona fide tribute, and both
Puppygames and Curve Studios shoot for the stars...
Never in my wildest dreams did I
believe a video game could make me believe it was more than just a game.
That is, until I played Child of Light. The...
A lot of games these days release updated, more enhanced versions a while after launch with the hopes that fans will be interested enough in the little...
Very few games become a series, and very few series become fan favorite, instant sellers. So it is always tough for every new IP to live up to games...
Resogun’s Heroes DLC only adds two game modes, but each adds something meaningful to the game’s addictive arcade action. Even better, both modes cater...
War is not pretty. It’s full of death, sadness, emotion, and it corrupts the most noble and sincere of men. Valiant Hearts: The Great War depicts the...
One of the most beloved puzzlers of the PSOne era, Lemmings has now been reborn as Lemmings Touch, a touch-screen friendly iteration of the game newly...