Street Fighter IV Review

Street Fighter IV:Shoryuken!!! Few videogame series have made such a strong impact on their respective genres in the way that Street Fighter has...

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Review

F.E.A.R. 2: A great American president once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Now let’s amend FDR’s famous quote for the 21st...

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails Review

Shellshock 2: From this point forth I need to remind myself not to review another first person shooter straight after playing Killzone 2. Following...

Prince of Persia Review

Prince of Persia Review: History is a key word when discussing a franchise like Prince of Persia. The series, which made its debut way back in 1989,...

Godfather II Game Review

The Godfather II We weren’t surprised in the slightest to learn that EA’s Redwood Studios houses the development teams for both ‘The Sims’ and ‘The...

50 CENT: Blood on the Sand PS Game Review

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand’s surreal and far-fetched storyline, which sees the foul-mouthed rapper and his G-Unit buddies tackling a bunch of heavily-armed...

X-Blades PS Game Review

X-Blade Review: X-Blades almost snuck under our review radar, and we really wish it had. On the surface, what appears to be a exciting fantasy hack...

Wheelman Game Review

Wheelman Review: It's blatantly apparent from the outset that Midway Newcastle has taken some of its design inspiration for Wheelman directly...

HAWX PS Game Review

HAWX Review: The Tom Clancy bandwagon continues to roll in 2009, but this year Ubisoft has abandoned the ground-battles of Mexico and close-quarters...

Astro Tripper Review

Astro Tripper Review: Wow, another top-down shooter on the PlayStation Network?! How… unoriginal. Yet, despite its wealth of competitors, PomPom Games’...

Resident Evil 5 Game Review

RESIDENT EVIL 5 Resident Evil 5 offers up essentially what you’d expect from a sequel to the insanely popular RE4, and from the moment...

The Darkness PS game Review

The Darkness is most likely going to be the best game this summer, and I'd say it is one of the top 5 PS3 games out, to date. Be warned, the Darkness...

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Today, we're playing a Star Wars games that utilizes a number of different engines to calculate a variety of different...

Fifa Soccer 2009 Play Station 3 Game Review

Fifa Soccer 2009 Play Station 3 Game Review My brother and I have been talking about this all new FIFA game for the past couple of days now, and...

Fallout 3 PS3 Game Review

Fallout 3 PS3 Game ReviewThe Fallout series has become synonymous to many gamers as being one of the highest quality franchises out there. Originally...

Every Once in a while Game Review

Every once in a while, developers set out to create an ambitious, innovative title that stands out amongst the sea of generic video games that assault...

Dead Space PS3 Game Review

Dead Space: It started out as an announcement that didn't get all that much fanfare, as is common with the revealing of an all new intellectual property...